Case Studies of Intergenerational Models
Case Studies
We are developing case studies from our study of congregations doing intergenerational ministry and faith formation. The case studies can be downloaded as PDF files. Click on the title below to go to the case study.
Case Study: Weekly Intergenerational Faith Formation Model
Case Study: Weekly Lectionary Based Faith Formation
Case Study: Intergenerational Worship Ministries
Case Study: Logos Intergenerational Ministry (GenOn Ministries)
Case Study: La Petite Program
Case Study: Intergenerational Sacramental Preparation
Case Study: Intergenerational Caring
Case Study: Weekly Intergenerational Faith Formation Model
Case Study: Weekly Lectionary Based Faith Formation
Case Study: Intergenerational Worship Ministries
Case Study: Logos Intergenerational Ministry (GenOn Ministries)
Case Study: La Petite Program
Case Study: Intergenerational Sacramental Preparation
Case Study: Intergenerational Caring
Can a Congregation Imagine "Something New"
Karen Gieseke
This is the story of Grace Lutheran Church that decided to “cancel” the current Sunday School model for a year and try “Something Else”. They believed in the gift of community and the richness in telling and sharing stories, and understood the current program struggled with both sustainability and rooted faith formation. So they began a journey together, and invited the congregation along to try “Something Else.” An organic team of leaders, most in their 30s and 40s, created weekly intergenerational experiences paired with the narrative lectionary stories from the worship texts, tying together conversations and experiences each week, and named these opportunities Something Else.
Expanding Horizons of Intergenerational Learning
Mariette Martineau
Resurrection Catholic Parish, a parish seeking to nurture learning for all ages and learning styles, created an intergenerational learning opportunity for their parish called “Expanding Horizons.” Expanding Horizons incorporates interactive stations that focus on a core Catholic teaching.
Karen Gieseke
This is the story of Grace Lutheran Church that decided to “cancel” the current Sunday School model for a year and try “Something Else”. They believed in the gift of community and the richness in telling and sharing stories, and understood the current program struggled with both sustainability and rooted faith formation. So they began a journey together, and invited the congregation along to try “Something Else.” An organic team of leaders, most in their 30s and 40s, created weekly intergenerational experiences paired with the narrative lectionary stories from the worship texts, tying together conversations and experiences each week, and named these opportunities Something Else.
Expanding Horizons of Intergenerational Learning
Mariette Martineau
Resurrection Catholic Parish, a parish seeking to nurture learning for all ages and learning styles, created an intergenerational learning opportunity for their parish called “Expanding Horizons.” Expanding Horizons incorporates interactive stations that focus on a core Catholic teaching.
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